Entoro Reg A+ Monthly Newsletter October 2024

Reg A+ Newsletter
October 2, 2024


Tip of the Month: A Deep Dive into the SEC Qualification Process for Regulation A+ Offerings

What Does the SEC Qualification Process Entail for a Regulation A+ Offering?

One of the most critical steps in launching a Regulation A+ offering is obtaining SEC qualification. This process ensures that your offering meets regulatory standards before you can raise capital. Here's a deeper look at what this process involves:

1. Initial Filing: Submitting Form 1-A

The SEC qualification process begins with the submission of Form 1-A, which is the official registration document for Regulation A+ offerings. This form includes:

  • Offering Circular: A detailed prospectus-like document outlining your business, financials, risk factors, and how you intend to use the raised capital.
  • Financial Statements: For Tier 2 offerings, these must be audited by a certified public accountant (CPA). Tier 1 does not require audited financials but must comply with state-level securities requirements.
  • Legal Disclosures: Including information about the company’s officers, directors, and any prior legal or financial issues.

Once your Form 1-A is submitted, the SEC begins its review process.

2. SEC Review and Comment Process

After the initial filing, the SEC reviews your submission to ensure compliance with securities laws and regulations. The review focuses on:

  • Completeness and Accuracy: The SEC verifies that your offering circular contains all necessary disclosures and that the information is accurate and not misleading.
  • Clarity of Disclosures: The offering document must clearly outline your business plan, risk factors, and financial condition so that investors can make informed decisions.

During the review, the SEC typically provides comments on your submission, which can include requests for additional details, clarification, or revisions to certain sections. This back-and-forth process, known as the comment letter process, can involve multiple rounds of feedback until the SEC is satisfied.

3. Responding to SEC Comments

Responding to SEC comments is a key step. Here’s how to navigate this:

  • Timely Responses: Ensure that your legal team or advisors respond to SEC comments promptly to avoid delays. Each round of comments can add weeks to the process, so staying organized is critical.
  • Clarity and Thoroughness: When responding, provide clear, detailed answers or revisions. Avoid ambiguous or partial responses, as this can lead to further rounds of comments.
  • Updating the Offering Circular: Based on the SEC’s feedback, you may need to amend your offering circular. Ensure that updates are accurately reflected in all related sections and disclosures.
4. Final Qualification by the SEC

Once all comments have been addressed and the SEC is satisfied with your offering circular, the SEC will qualify your offering. It’s important to note that:

  • Qualification vs. Approval: The SEC does not approve the offering; rather, it qualifies it, meaning that the company is allowed to proceed with selling securities to investors. The SEC’s qualification does not imply that the offering is a sound investment; it only indicates regulatory compliance.

The time frame for qualification varies but typically takes around 60 to 90 days from the initial filing, though complex offerings may take longer.

5. Post-Qualification Actions

Once the SEC qualifies your offering, you can:

  • Start Selling Securities: You are now allowed to solicit and accept investments from accredited and non-accredited investors (depending on your offering tier).
  • Launch Marketing Efforts: You can begin marketing your offering, including using online platforms and "testing the waters" materials if not already done.
  • Blue Sky Law Compliance (Tier 1 Only): For Tier 1 offerings, ensure you comply with individual state securities laws (blue sky laws) before selling in those states.
6. Ongoing Reporting Requirements (Tier 2)

For Tier 2 offerings, qualification isn’t the end of the process. You’ll need to comply with ongoing reporting requirements, which include:

  • Annual Reports: Filed using Form 1-K.
  • Semi-Annual Reports: Filed using Form 1-SA.
  • Current Event Reports: Filed using Form 1-U for significant company changes, such as changes in leadership or financial status.

    Importance of a Broker-Dealer in the Process

A knowledgeable broker-dealer is crucial in expediting and managing the complexities of a Regulation A+ offering. Here’s why:

  • Streamlining the Qualification Process: Broker-dealers understand how to prepare the offering in a way that addresses potential SEC concerns upfront, reducing the number of comment rounds and saving time.
  • Efficient Marketing and Distribution: They have established networks and platforms to market your securities efficiently, helping you meet your capital-raising goals faster.
  • Navigating Compliance: Broker-dealers help ensure that your offering complies with SEC regulations and state laws, avoiding unnecessary delays due to regulatory missteps.

    By understanding and properly preparing for the SEC qualification process, you can ensure that your Regulation A+ offering is compliant and ready to attract investors as efficiently as possible.



Introducing the Enviro.Farm System™ – a simple, sustainable, proven solution that has the potential to transform the poisonous, dangerous nature of contemporary agriculture.

Based on a patented, well-tested, regenerative, organic process that:

  • Makes agrifood production profitable again.
  • Uses the age-old principles of circular farming.
  • Restores the circle of life by re-uniting traditional livestock and crop production.
  • Produces abundant plant-ready liquid organic bio-fertilizer.
  • Greatly improves the safety and health of farmers, workers and farm animals.
  • Generates chemical-free, non-GMO, nutrient-rich organic food.
  • Weans agrifood producers from corporate, chemical and financial dependency.
  • Reduces production costs and increases profit margins.
  • Eliminates noxious odors, toxic off-gassing and chemical runoff.
  • Rehabilitates and rebuilds depleted biodiversity and soil biology.
  • Allows agrifood producers to upgrade to USDA status.
  • Mitigates global warming and reduces climate damage.
  • Avoids billions of dollars annually in public health expenses.
  • Does all of the above in a sustainable, energy efficient way, and
  • Presents boundless investment opportunities, worldwide.

For further information, please visit our website at www.enviro.farm

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Avvenire Electric Vehicles Corp. is on a mission to become a global leader in the Electric Vehicle (EV) market by developing the next generation of cutting-edge, cost-effective and environmentally-sustainable lineup of holistic transportation solutions for everyday use.

Key Highlights:

  • Current pre-order book exceeds USD $1.1 Billion for Avvenire products
  • Established dealer network with over 200 dealers ready to take new Avvenire Products and over 300 new dealer requests, for a total of over 500 potential dealers
  • Management team includes pioneers in the LEV industry in Canada leaning on decades of experience
  • Strong advisory board to achieve the hypergrowth expected
  • Manufacturing plans to add 270,000 square-foot plant in place to add to production and distribution from present 75,000 square-foot location

Avvenire is raising $75 million through Regulation A+, for more information on the offering view the offering circular here.

Invest Here



HOUSTON, TX and LONDON, UK — Entoro Capital, LLC (Entoro Capital), a leading investment bank and advisory firm based in Houston, and Archax Ltd (Archax), a pioneering digital securities exchange, broker and custodian based in London, announced today a strategic alliance aimed at enhancing the digital securities and investment landscape. This partnership will leverage both firms' strengths to provide unparalleled services and opportunities in global financial markets.

Under the agreement, both Entoro Capital and Archax will facilitate projects and collaborations that lead to significant financial transactions and investment opportunities, for the benefit of their respective clients. This alliance is designed to capitalize on each firm’s expertise and market presence, thereby expanding their market reach. Key areas of focus include leveraging the parties’ leadership in the areas of Tokenisation, Digital Real-World Assets (RWAs) and Securities, and Voluntary Carbon. Archax will also work closely with Capturiant, an Entoro affiliate, the leading engineered solutions environmental asset authenticator, registry, and exchange, by acting as custodian and strategic partner within the United Kingdom.

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Mastering the Fund Launch: A Roadmap for Success

Launching a fund for the first time can be a daunting and at times overwhelming undertaking. The overall process involves several critical phases, each requiring strategic planning and careful execution. To guide you through the process, here’s a comprehensive roadmap with key milestones and timelines.

Roadmap to Launching a Fund

Phase 1: Conceptualization and Planning

Timeline: Months 1–3

  • Define Investment Strategy: Determine the fund’s investment approach—whether you’ll focus on sectors like real estate, technology, or private equity, and if it will be actively managed or passively tracked.
  • Select Fund  Structure:
       Choose the fund structure that best fits your strategy and target investors. Here are the main options:
    • Mutual Funds: Pooled vehicles for retail investors, offering diversification and liquidity, but subject to strict SEC regulations under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
    • Hedge Funds: Flexible investment strategies like leverage and short selling, targeted at accredited investors and institutions. Hedge funds have fewer regulatory constraints but are typically less liquid and come with higher fees.
    • Private Equity Funds: Long-term investments in private companies or buyouts. These funds have a high potential for returns but involve locking up investor capital for extended periods.
    • Venture Capital (VC) Funds: Focused on early-stage companies with high growth potential. Like private equity, they involve long holding periods and higher risks, but with the possibility of large returns.

Read More!



American Stories is a fan-focused, self-distributing, independent TV production company that specializes in capturing the essence of American culture through uplifting, inspiring unscripted shows.

Our goal is to shed light on the stories, lifestyles, and traditions that make up the fabric of this great nation. With support from fans and investors, we are on a mission to bring authentic, captivating stories from the American heartland and beyond to screens everywhere. Join us in our journey to preserve the spirit of America and invest in the future of independent TV production.

Learn More!


Is it Possible To Raise Capital For a Venture Capital Fund Using Reg A+?

Venture Capital Funds that use 60% or more in simple debt for certain specialized loan types and 40% or less in equity holdings, can raise capital through Reg A+. The relevant SEC regulations are Sections 3(c)(5)(A) and (B) of the Investment Company Act.

The key requirement to qualify under Section 3(c)(5)(A) or (B) is that the loans or receivables held by the issuer must have been incurred by the obligor to finance the acquisition of specific goods or services and not for general purposes. If an issuer relies on Section 3(c)(5)(A), the loans and receivables held by the issuer must represent all or part of the sales price of merchandise, insurance or services. If an issuer relies on Section 3(c)(5)(B), the credit extended to the obligor must have been used to pay for specific goods or services. The fact that an obligation is secured by eligible property such as machinery and equipment is not by itself sufficient to permit reliance on Section 3(c)(5)(A) or (B).

This is a specialized type of fund, contact us for more details.‍

What kind of funding is not allowed under Reg A+?

Reg A+ does not allow funding for the following:
• Companies with headquarters outside the U.S. or Canada. It is fine to move or set up the legal headquarters in the US or Canada for international businesses.
• Investment companies as defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940. Pure venture capital firms cannot use Reg A+. VC firms that are Debt based (minimum of 60% debt holdings) are allowed to use Reg A+ in specific circumstances - ask us and your securities attorney.
• Public companies. Reporting and non-reporting public companies are allowed to use Regulation A+.
• Development stage companies with no business plan or purpose.
• Companies issuing fractional, undivided interests in oil, gas, or mineral rights.
• Companies disqualified under the “bad actor” rules.

That’s it. If your company doesn’t fall into one of those exclusions, you’re eligible.


See why so many Issuers trust us to facilitate a successful offering.


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Entoro Capital is a FINRA-registered Broker-Dealer in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. The top choice for a Reg A+ broker-dealer and will answer all your questions.  We support Issuers through the entire Reg A+ process from pre-filing preparation, to SEC review, marketing selection, and completion of the offering. Call Entoro today and let our team show you how to Reg A+ the right way.


Sean Levine                                                                   Abdissa Gemechu

Managing Director                                                         Director
Entoro Capital, LLC                                                       Entoro Capital, LLC
D: +1 917.715.1489                                              O: +1 713.823.2900
E: slevine@entoro.com                                      E: agemechu@entoro.com

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