IPAA Oil and Gas Investment Symposium

February 12, 2019

FamilyOffice Networks Invites Families to Attend the Independent PetroleumAssociation of America’s Oil and Gas Investment Symposium Event in New York

Family Office Networks has partnered with the IndependentPetroleum Association of America (IPAA) to provide complimentary admission to the prestigious 25th annual  Oil and Gas Investment Symposium in New York City April 8-9, 2019. 

Investors will hear about opportunities and trends with public energy and petroleum (E&P) companies, private E&P companies looking for investors or considering going public, midstream companies and service and supply companies.

“Private investors interested in energy sector investment opportunities as well as anyone interested in the oil and gas industry will benefit from hearing presentations from oil and gas leaders and how they are creating value in their companies in 2019,” said James C.Row, CFA,Managing Partner of Entoro Capital, LLC and head of the Houston Family Office Association.

The event includes meetings with energy management teams during breakout sessions and in one-on-one meetings, networking opportunities with oil and gas industry insiders, and the chance to learn about some great investment opportunities in 2019.

For information, please contact Tanya at tcopelyn@entoro.com or Allie atADoremus@ipaa.org.
